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Saturday, August 30, 2008,6:48 PM
Guess who?

I'm back. From the abyss. I swear it wasn't my fault. It was that abyssal horror. It grabbed me and held me hostage. I swear it was!

With my long absence from the stranglehold of the internet, i've managed to get much music listening done. And i came across this rather.. unique sounding song by a 80's group with one of the more...uniquely sounding names for their band.
This is Kajagoogoo with Too Shy

Yes. It sounds so addictive. Or gut-wrenchingly wrong. I can't decide.
Get this song out of my head!

Things to be done: Oktober

+ Oktober fest!
+ Halloween!
+ Update Blingzine! Articles people!
+ Draw that stupid sketch!
+ Look for Russian Back-breaker Guu!
+ Update this damn blog! Seriously!
+ Go Genting! Anyone?


Twentysomething year old guy who doesn't constantly updates his blog.
Pretty much sums things up doesn't it? xD
E-Foong, doing college in HICT, wishes to rule the world



Mei Yen's Food Blog
Wen Ching's Quirky Blog
Drew's Art Creations
Lianne's Luvbite
Adelin's Cotton Candy
Angel's little Eden
Felicity's Secret Scribbles
Nefarious Nadia
Gritty Geraldine's French Panties *o.m.g.*
Grace and her smile *awww*
Wookie's Lair (of horrors)
Nat's Flying School
Zong-Ying's blog (yes, the girl beside me in the facebook photo. now stop asking)
Jue Lyn's Stand (lemonade or hotdogs i wonder)
Wei Wei's Princess blog
Aisha's Qwertiliciously Shamless blog
Iona's Chocolate Coated Life
Stephie's Zentropy..why zentropy?
Breathe Mariah Breathe!
Shal's Nutterteer Adventures Down Under *there*


[May 2007] [June 2007] [July 2007] [August 2007] [October 2007] [November 2007] [December 2007] [January 2008] [February 2008] [April 2008] [May 2008] [June 2008] [July 2008] [August 2008] [October 2008] [December 2008]


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